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"Creating Dream Residences"

Why wooden houses?


Organic and Natural homes 

Our log homes are made from the best certified wood from Finnish sawmills, using years of experience. In Finland, forests grow faster than trees are cut down, so choosing a log home is an eco-friendly and natural option.


Although over 100 different types of pine trees grow worldwide, only one species grows wild in the Nordic forests. This pine grows slowly, resulting in exceptionally hard wood, especially the heartwood. This makes it one of the densest coniferous woods on earth, making it an ideal material for building houses


Good indoor air quality

Log buildings naturally promote good health because of their exceptional air quality. A comprehensive European study found that the more wood used in a house's interior, the healthier the air quality becomes.

The ideal indoor air humidity for good health ranges between 30 and 55 percent. At this level, the air is easy to breathe and the growth of mold and bacteria is minimized. A comprehensive European study found that the more wood used inside a house, the healthier the air quality becomes. Massive wood uniquely absorbs moisture and releases it back into the air as the room dries, helping to prevent allergies and respiratory infections.


Energy efficiency of log house

Solid logs are natural energy conservationists. Unlike a timber frame wall, a log wall is a massive structure that is capable of storing heat. When the temperature lowers during the night, for example, the log walls give heat back into the rooms until the temperature is again equalized.


Log walls regulate temperature variations throughout the day, keeping a steady, comfortable temperature inside the house. This quality is beneficial in different climates and throughout all seasons: a log house stays cool in the summer and warm in the winter. This is why people who own log homes love them and do not complain about energy costs.

De-stress living


Wooden structures also help us connect with nature. Being in nature boosts energy levels and reduces stress. A strong connection to nature is a source of creativity and inspiration. You can enjoy nature in many ways, such as walking outdoors, looking at scenery, or being in a garden surrounded by green plants. You can also experience nature and natural materials inside a log house.

Research shows that natural, clean wood interiors reduce stress, lower blood pressure, generate positive feelings, improve sleep, and help people recover from everyday challenges. log houses help maintain and restore vital energy in life.



Airtight and waterproof

It's been dedicated to enhancing the tightness of log houses for a long time. Tightness is crucial not only for the comfort of your home but also for its durability, energy efficiency, and fire safety.


Excellent tightness offers several benefits:


  • Minimized heat loss and lower energy bills

  • Consistent thermal comfort throughout the year

  • Increased living comfort by preventing drafts

  • Protection against moisture and damage from mold and fungi

  • Controlled ventilation and better indoor air quality

  • Enhanced sound insulation

  • Improved fire safety

Fire safety for log house

Massive wood is surprisingly fire-resistant, often enduring fire better than concrete or steel pillars. Wood contains about 15% water, so before it can catch fire, all the water must evaporate. In a fire, a massive wood house will char but will not collapse like light-structured or steel-structured houses.


Surface charring also protects wooden structures. The charcoal generated during combustion has much lower thermal conductivity than the wood itself, forming a natural insulating layer. This layer protects the wood from further heating while maintaining its load-bearing capacity.


Superb earthquake resistance

Log buildings can withstand earthquakes due to their unique structure. They feature strong angular bisector joints at the corners, which prevent the structure from collapsing. The frame of log houses is made from thick massive wood logs, which are incredibly strong. These logs have high bending strength, allowing the structure to maintain its form even during powerful earthquakes.

Anti termite treatment

Termite Treatment through piping method/Termite tubing system also known as Pipe Reticulation system is a revolutionary system designed to effectively treat the area under concrete slabs or before flooring is done.


• The reticulation system is a network of underground specially designed pipes (rubberized membrane) to induce anti-termite chemical uniformly throughout the Building’s foundations.

• It is recommended it is extremely durable and gives a very robust protection to a new building and works as a highly effective termite shield for years together.


Build a solid wood home instead of a timber-frame house

A timber-frame house is a more affordable alternative to a solid-wood house. However, timber-frame structures often incorporate plastic vapor barriers and mineral-wool insulation, which can lead to poor indoor air quality. Additionally, plastics are harmful to the environment. Timber-frame houses usually feature interior walls made of gypsum, a material that neither breathes nor regulates humidity. Gypsum products also lack the ambiance and natural feel of pure wood. Timber-frame homes typically have multiple hidden structural layers, increasing the risk of undetectable humidity and condensation, which can cause significant damage before it is noticed. Furthermore, the lifespan of a timber-frame house is generally shorter than that of a CLT or log house. For those looking to build a home that lasts for generations, pure wood is a superior structural choice.

What are the primary benefits of a solid-wood home?

A solid-wood home, whether constructed from CLT or logs, offers homeowners a unique experience. Pure wood naturally regulates indoor air humidity to optimal levels and allows the structure to breathe, preventing condensation between structural layers. As a pure, untreated natural product, wood is both beautiful and sustainable. Harvested wood stores CO2 throughout the lifespan of the house, which can last for decades or even centuries. Additionally, building a home from solid wood, such as CLT or logs, reduces atmospheric emissions compared to using other building materials like brick, concrete, mineral wool, and plastic. Pure wood homes benefit both people and the planet.


Have forests been sustainably managed?

Yes, the PEFC certification ensures that for every tree felled to build a house, a new sapling is planted. Over time, these saplings will grow into a new forest. In Finland, the natural growth of forests significantly surpasses the number of trees harvested.

What does it mean, when you say that the wood breathes?

Solid wood or logs can absorb moisture and release it back into the air when it dries. This "breathing" allows water vapor to move freely between the wall and the air. This moisture buffering effect helps maintain comfortable indoor conditions by reducing the occurrence of extreme high or low relative humidity levels.


How long will the log home last?

There are examples of log homes around the world that are hundreds of years old. Provided that they are well maintained, the log homes are designed to last for generations.

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